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Calaquitas, little Mexican Skeletons

Calaquitas, little Mexican Skeletons

The most famous holiday in Mexico is Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead).  On November 1 and 2, we remember those who have left the world and come to visit us. To spoil them, an altar of the dead is prepared with typical dishes, candles, flowers, and decorations like papel picado, skulls or small skeletons. During the workshop, we will make a skeleton decoration to celebrate the Day of the Dead. 


White clay (Crayola the best option) or

White modeling clay or

White Magic clay (Crayola the best option)

Toothpick or

Metal wire approx 1 mm + pliers to cut it, or Bread Ties Wire 

Construction paper different colors, preference thicker (Dollarama has the best)

Punches (like these or the Dollarama ones)






Black marker


Thread Tissue paper different colors

Link to PDF presentation, about Day of the Dead

Examples of Dia de Muertos decorations

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