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School Workshops

School Workshops

Our workshops introduce young people to authentic traditions from different peoples and communities through artistic activities.

These can be done:

  • ​In class
  • During extracurricular activities or daycare
  • During pedagogical days.


In order to promote the period of social and cognitive development of the child, our workshops are aimed at children going to preschool, elementary and secondary school.

We are committed to developing, in collaboration with teachers, the critical spirit of the citizens of tomorrow.

  • Typically planned for 25 participants
  • All materials are included
  • Given in either French, English or Spanish, as needed
  • The workshop can take place in the classroom
  • Duration from 1 to 2 hours, the content can adapt to your schedule
  • The workshops can be given continuously according to your needs
If your school is English speaking, you can apply for the ELAN Inspire Artist Grant.

The workshops are available year round. If you are an English-speaking school, you can benefit from the “inspired artist” scholarship https://artistsinspire.ca/ which will pay for PAAL workshops

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+1 514 657 3340

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    The PAAL Program

    The PAAL program complements the Quebec teaching model since it is part of the Integration and Intercultural Education Policy, enacted in 1998 by the Quebec government. PAAL’s workshops contribute to the education of democratic citizenship, as offered by this policy, by enabling students to enrich their intercultural communication skills. Our activities are also in line with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education’s support program for the reception and integration of immigrant students. The goal is to help young immigrants integrate into the Quebec society.


    Artistic activities that raise awareness of cultural diversity.

    Your donation make our free activities possible

    Help us break down cultural barriers!

    We need your support in order to accomplish our mission of educating and sensitizing the members of different Montreal communities, and to raise awareness about cultural diversity with hopes to put an end to racism.


    Charitable registration number 72939 6697 RR 0001 / Quebec registration number 1172428204